Community Wednesday: A sneak peek into one of our best practices at DataBrains

A quick glance at my calendar reveals a recurring meeting every week named Community Wednesday.  Yes, it’s another zoom call, but it truly stands apart from the rest. 

Originally designed to help grow the skillset of our emerging talent, it has evolved into one of our best practices.  It is a dedicated hour each week for the Tableau Developers at DataBrains to come together to share projects, troubleshoot technical issues, collaborate, brainstorm, and upskill. Sounds like a lot in an hour, doesn’t it? As Brainiacs, the conversation & exchange of ideas moves quickly, making it a fun, fast-paced meeting.

Each week the topic of conversation will vary – some weeks a Brainiac will share a work-in-progress, other weeks we will solve challenges from the wider Tableau Community, namely WorkoutWednesday, Back2VizBasics, and Preppin’ Data.  

Both experienced & emerging talent participate, which allows for the transfer of knowledge in a supportive and collaborative environment. The weekly cadence keeps the discussion relevant, timely, and in sync with client deliverables.  Last but not least of all, it fosters a sense of community among teammates, which Tableau recognizes in the Tableau Blueprint as a core component of successful data-driven organizations.  

I hope this inspires your organization to establish your own best practice to engage & support your Tableau Developers in a collaborative way.  Let your imagination lead the way — how does “New Tip Tuesday” or “Lunch & Learn Fridays” sound?

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