Hello, Tableau Tables!

With the latest 2024.3 release, Tableau has rolled out a new viz extension called, “Tableau Table”.  I took it for a spin and was delighted to find some very exciting features!  Here’s a quick walkthrough with some key differentiators that make this viz extension a game-changer.

To begin, you can access this feature by clicking on the Marks Card on a new sheet, and selecting +Add Extension.

A dialog box will open and you will find it listed under the ones “Built by Tableau + Salesforce”.

Once you click on Tableau Table, a window appears with additional information. Click Open to proceed. We are now ready to begin building our table.  

Begin building your table by dragging both the dimensions and measures to the details card. You can add them in any order you wish – measures can be before or after dimensions.  This is pretty revolutionary.  With a traditional crosstab build, all dimensions must be on rows, and therefore appear on the left in the table “header”. Measure Names would be on columns with Measure Values on text, forcing all measures to appear to the left of the dimensions. I’ve come across several real-world examples when there has been a need for a dimension to be mixed in together with measures. In this use case example, you can see I’ve placed Ship Date (a dimension) after SUM(Sales) (a measure). 

You can rename column headers to be more intuitive. In this example, I’ve renamed SUM(Sales) to Order Amt $. 

It is also possible to format each column independently with a few easy steps. Click on the drop-down menu button beside the column name, select Format.  This opens a formatting dialog box. Here you have a few choices on how you wish the data to be displayed – for example, you can change it to be data bars, and you can apply rules to format the color and font.  Note, if you change your mind and want to revert back to the original formatting, the back arrow won’t work. You need to access the drop-down menu again and select “Clear Formatting”.  It’s also worthwhile noting there are other options here as well, including specifying how to sort the data.

Last but not least, you can customize the overall appearance of the table by accessing the ‘format’ button on the toolbar.

This opens a dialog box with several  options, including adding filters under each column header, and the ability to add “Show Excel Download” button.  This feature in itself is the golden nugget – in most real-world use cases, the purpose of building a text table similar to this would be to provide a validation spreadsheet for end-users.  The excel download button is a dream – with one click, the end-user has a spreadsheet AND the formatting carries over as well.   Brilliant!

Here’s an example of my formatted Tableau Table:

And a screenshot of the ‘downloaded to Excel’ version:

Unfortunately it is not possible to publish this to Tableau Public (yet) but if you’d like to see my workbook with this Superstore example, I’d be more than happy to send it to you!   I think you’ll find it very intuitive and easy to build. Well done, Tableau! 

Happy Vizzing! 

Tableau Certified Data Analyst – Exam Resources

Exciting news to share – I recently passed the Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam! 

For those of you not familiar with this certification, it is offered by Tableau and is valid for two years. Since mine had expired and my employer required it to be renewed, I found myself back in study-mode to prepare. There are several excellent resources available online – here’s a list of my go-to’s: 

Tableau’s Exam Guide


This link provides an overview of exam format, grading, and sections to be covered on the exam. Note: the exam is in three sections, and once you complete a section you cannot return to it later. Be sure to review each section before pressing “Finish” and moving on to the next section. The exam is closed-book, meaning you cannot search for answers online, or login to Tableau to verify.  There is one hands-on section which requires you to complete tasks within Tableau Desktop. 

Study Guide from Learning Tableau

This is website provides handy links to Tableau documentation for all sections of the exam. I found Domain 1 focused quite a bit on Tableau Prep and Custom SQL, so if you mainly use Tableau Desktop in your daily work, be sure to review these concepts. 

Practice Questions and Exam Overview

This is the perfect resource to review a sample of typical exam questions and familiarize yourself with the format. The wording of questions and multiple-choice answers can sometimes be tricky, so practicing ahead of time is well worth the effort!  During the exam I reviewed all of my answers, which was helpful as I caught a couple that needed correcting after re-reading the question.

#Datafam blog posts from CJ Mayes, featuring Deborah Simmonds and Mehras Abdoli, and Ann Pregler

Last but not least, this round-up would not be complete without mentioning these #Datafam links – my go-to’s for learning all things Tableau, 365 days of the year!

Andy Kriebel



The Flerlage Twins

Felicia Styer

Kim Unger

Bridget Cogley


Overall, I found the experience to be challenging and reaffirming. It gave me an opportunity to brush up on some concepts I don’t use daily and it was a good test of my Tableau knowledge.  Please feel free to reach out if you are planning to take the exam  – happy to share my tips & knowledge! 

Tableau Tip: Download Crosstabs

For folks who download crosstabs from Tableau dashboards, this tip is for you!

To demonstrate this tip, let’s use a simple crosstab with Superstore data.

To begin your download, simply click the download button and select crosstab.

Once you select Crosstab, you are presented with a few additional options: The sheets you wish to download, and a choice between Excel or CSV file formats.

This is where the fun begins! If you select Excel, your download file will be formatted the same way it appears in Tableau. Notice the merged cells in this screenshot:

Alternatively, the CSV format populates each column & each row with the corresponding data. In other words, without merged cells.

Voilà! Two options for downloading crosstabs. If you’d like to take this tip for a test drive, you can find my Tableau workbook published on Tableau Public.

Happy Vizzing!

Tableau Tip: Click Action Tooltips

Did you know there is more than one setting for displaying tooltips?

The default setting, Responsive, triggers the tooltip immediately upon hovering the mouse over the mark in the visualization.

This default setting can be adjusted to Hover, which introduces a slight delay before the tooltip appears. Choosing Hover instructs Tableau to pause briefly before displaying the tooltip popup. This option is particularly useful in visualizations with numerous marks, such as a busy scatterplot, where the Responsive setting may inundate users with tooltips popping up instantly as the mouse moves across the screen.

To switch to the Hover setting, simply click on the dropdown menu within the Tooltips editor box.

But wait, there’s more! There’s a third method to activate tooltips, which I’ve nicknamed “Click Action Tooltips”. This approach involves utilizing a parameter, a handful of calculations, and dashboard parameter actions. Once implemented, tooltips appear when a dashboard user clicks on a mark in the visualization. This is extremely helpful in a crosstab text table with multiple rows of data – no more distracting popups as the mouse scrolls …instead the dashboard user has the control to make the tooltip appear with a simple click action!  Check out my demo dashboard on Tableau Public to take it for a test drive and view how-to-build instructions. Feel free to download & reverse-engineer to make it your own! 

Happy Vizzing! 

Tableau Tip: Formatting Text Tables

Text tables are a common request; often dashboard viewers want to see the rows of data to verify, which in turns builds trust. This is especially true for organizations moving away from traditional spreadsheets to interactive and automated dashboards. Thankfully, there are several techniques that can elevate text tables from good to great, especially when it comes to formatting Sub-Total and Grand Total rows.  Read on to learn three quick & easy techniques.

Rename the header

Click on the Total or Grand Total row and select “Format” from the drop-down menu.  This opens a formatting pane on the left, which allows you to type in a custom header for your Total and/Grand Total rows.  In this example, I’ve renamed Total as Sub-Total, and Grand Total as Total (All Categories). 

Highlight with Color

To draw attention to the total rows, you can customize the shading. To help with comprehension, you can select one color for Sub-Totals, and a different, contrasting color for Grand Totals.

Bold Fonts

Finally, a tried & true method to draw attention to the total rows? Bold the font.

Text tables may not have the pizzaz of a scatterplot or Sankey, but they can still be visually appealing.

Happy Vizzing, folks!

Tableau Tip: Hide the Subtotals

Today’s Tableau Tip comes via WorkoutWednesday – my go-to resource for keeping my Tableau skills topnotch. Without fail, each WOW challenge uncovers a tip or trick, and often there is a practical use-case for those tricks in my daily work.   WOW 2023 Week 39 is the perfect example.  Read on to find out more!

Tables are requested frequently on business dashboards, so I’m always looking for fresh design & format ideas to present the rows of data in a clutter-free way.   In the WOW challenge from Week 39, the requirements called for a column showing $ of sales per subcategory & region with subtotals, and the % of sales by subcategory & region without sub-totals.  Brilliant!  The % subtotal will always be 100%,  so no need to show it every time.  With a little investigating, I found the option to “hide” the subtotals for a single measure in the drop-down menu on the green pill. This allows the subtotal to show for the first measure, and a blank cell to be shown for the second measure.  Here’s a screenshot to illustrate:

The end result is a clean, clutter-free table, with plenty of whitespace to help direct the eye to the numbers of significance.

The tip I’ve outlined in this post is just one of many gems in Week 39’s Challenge. To check out the full solution, see my Tableau Public viz. Shoutout to the WOW Team for continuing to deliver relevant challenges – the #datafam appreciates you!

Happy Vizzing, folks!

Tableau Tip: Add Comments to your Calculations

Recently I inherited a workbook that was a joy to work with – why, you ask? The developer added comments to each calculation, thereby providing explanations to the nuances for each metric.  What a gift!  For today’s Tableau Tip, I will show you three different ways to leverage this technique.

Option 1

In the calculation editor dialog box, add comments by starting the line with two forward slashes, as depicted in this screenshot:

Option 2

The second method is a slight modification of Option 1 and works beautifully when the comment is long & detailed.  Simply begin the comment with one forward slash and an asterisk and complete the comment with an asterisk and a forward slash.

Option 3

The third option involves one more step but allows you to view the comments without opening the calculation editor dialog box. To follow this method, click on the calculation in the data pane and utilizing the drop-down menu, select Default Properties, Comment. This opens a dialog box where you can add your comments. Best to keep it brief, as these comments will appear when you hover over the calculated field in the data pane.

Voilà! Three easy ways to add notes to help yourself and others when revisions to a workbook are needed (as they often-times are!)

Happy Vizzing, folks!

The Value of White Space

I love adding white space or “empty space” to a dashboard. It’s like having a desk that is clean & uncluttered instead of covered in stacks of papers and knick-knacks – it’s peaceful and makes a dashboard feel more “approachable”. It is an under-rated technique that deserves the spotlight.

The September #EduVizzers Challenge on Book Bans was the perfect opportunity to play with this technique, AND the fact that Iron Quest’s White Space Challenge was happening concurrently made the timing ideal. During my development process, I identified 5 distinct metrics that deserved equal attention.  Rather than combining all 5 bar charts in one view, I utilized parameter actions and dynamic zone visibility to allow the end-user to view each chart one at-a-time.  This gave each visual a dedicated space and breathing room to let each metric make a statement.  I know what you’re thinking — in the real world we don’t always have the luxury of showing one chart at a time. Often the visuals need to be side-by-side to assess the metrics in tandem.  In those instances, you can increase the padding around each object.  This is a more subtle way to add white space and one of my default formatting techniques. Outer Padding adds space between two dashboard objects while Inner Padding adds space inside the object’s wireframe. Here’s a screenshot with exaggerated padding to illustrate the difference:

And if you’re curious about school book bans in the US, here’s a viz for you:

Happy Vizzing, and happy white-spacing!

Tableau Tip: Documentation using “Show Caption”

I’m a note-taker — it’s my go-to method for learning and organizing my thoughts. I write to do lists too, but that’s another post. : ) This skill has come in handy recently when I needed to reference a complex Tableau dashboard build from a few months ago. Relying on my memory is sketchy (age, related perhaps?)  – but relying on my notetaking never fails me.  So where does one put notes in a Tableau workbook, so as not to clutter the sheets or dashboards?

If the notes are somewhat lengthy, I recommend utilizing the little-known feature “Show Caption”.  By selecting this from the Worksheet drop-down menu, a box appears at the bottom of your sheet. Tableau automatically populates it with a description of the fields brought into the view.  You can keep this description, or you can Edit the caption to modify it or add your own notes. 

For the workbook I mentioned earlier, I wanted to document the steps I followed to build a drilldown using set actions, so I decided to edit the caption, clear the default description, and add my own. To edit, simply right-click (Control-click on a Mac) in the Caption area and select “Edit Caption”.

This opens an editor dialog box. In this space you can add/remove text and set formatting.

Select Ok once you’ve completed your edits, and the revised caption will appear at the bottom of your sheet.

Viola! Detailed notes at the bottom of your sheet for your future reference, or a delightful surprise when a colleague opens a workbook previously built by you. 

One final note — Captions do not appear by default when sheets are added to dashboards, making them a perfect “behind-the-scenes” spot for notes. Of course, if you wish to display them on a dashboard, it’s a simple as accessing the drop-down menu on the wireframe and checking “Show Caption”.

Happy note-taking! Your future self will thank you.

Tip: Tableau’s “hide data” feature

In this post I’d like to shine a spotlight on Tableau’s “hide data” feature. It’s a hidden gem 🙂 and deserves a shout-out. This feature works beautifully when using Quick Table Calculations such as Percent Difference. Let’s take a closer look.

In this example, the goal is to show monthly sales for the last three months and the % change month-over-month.  To do this, bring the Sales and Date fields into the view and use a continuous date filter to show only the three months desired.

Next, bring a duplicate of Sales into the view and add the Quick Table Calculation for Percent Difference…but notice it is only showing the % change for the last two months, and not the first month in our view. Why? The view doesn’t have any data in the month prior to reference in the table calculation.   Here’s where the fun begins.

Instead of using a continuous date filter, write a calculation that shows only the last three months, and place it on the rows shelf. This returns False for all months prior to the last three months, and True for the last three months.

Next, we need to Hide the False rows. To do this, right-click (control-click on Mac) on the word False in any row and use the menu to select Hide. This tells Tableau to keep the data in the view but hide it from the visual.

Once we’ve completed this step, our view now shows the Percent Difference for ALL three months.  

Finally, we don’t need to show the date filter calculation on rows, so we can uncheck Show Header by accessing the dropdown menu on the blue pill.

Presto! We’ve accomplished our goal to show only the last three months of sales, and the % change month-over-month for all three months.

If you’d like to download the workbook, click on this link to access it on my Tableau Public profile page. Happy Vizzing!

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