Exciting news to share – I recently passed the Tableau Certified Data Analyst Exam!
For those of you not familiar with this certification, it is offered by Tableau and is valid for two years. Since mine had expired and my employer required it to be renewed, I found myself back in study-mode to prepare. There are several excellent resources available online – here’s a list of my go-to’s:
Tableau’s Exam Guide
This link provides an overview of exam format, grading, and sections to be covered on the exam. Note: the exam is in three sections, and once you complete a section you cannot return to it later. Be sure to review each section before pressing “Finish” and moving on to the next section. The exam is closed-book, meaning you cannot search for answers online, or login to Tableau to verify. There is one hands-on section which requires you to complete tasks within Tableau Desktop.
Study Guide from Learning Tableau
This is website provides handy links to Tableau documentation for all sections of the exam. I found Domain 1 focused quite a bit on Tableau Prep and Custom SQL, so if you mainly use Tableau Desktop in your daily work, be sure to review these concepts.
Practice Questions and Exam Overview
This is the perfect resource to review a sample of typical exam questions and familiarize yourself with the format. The wording of questions and multiple-choice answers can sometimes be tricky, so practicing ahead of time is well worth the effort! During the exam I reviewed all of my answers, which was helpful as I caught a couple that needed correcting after re-reading the question.
#Datafam blog posts from CJ Mayes, featuring Deborah Simmonds and Mehras Abdoli, and Ann Pregler
Last but not least, this round-up would not be complete without mentioning these #Datafam links – my go-to’s for learning all things Tableau, 365 days of the year!
Overall, I found the experience to be challenging and reaffirming. It gave me an opportunity to brush up on some concepts I don’t use daily and it was a good test of my Tableau knowledge. Please feel free to reach out if you are planning to take the exam – happy to share my tips & knowledge!
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